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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What IF

Since 50% of "LIFE" is "IF" I began thinking of all the what-ifs we face everyday. I have challenged myself (feel free to join in) to recognize some of the opportunities that God places in my path daily. It's not always the HUGE miracles that make the biggest difference. Every GREAT achievement begins with small blessings. So, I have vowed to notice these moments in my life each day. Just think about this...

WHAT IF we replaced every negative word with a postive word.
WHAT IF we stopped to pick up trash we saw.
WHAT IF we decided to build up our family with life changing prayer.
WHAT IF we woke up everyday and gave GOD first place.
WHAT IF we took 30 minutes a day to exercise.
WHAT IF we spent quiet time with GOD everyday.
WHAT IF we saved the money we want to spend on a "want" and buy lunch for someone who's hurting
WHAT IF we stopped to smell the roses (literally)
WHAT IF we spoke to strangers
WHAT IF we sat down to dinner with our family.
WHAT IF we played in the yard with our kids.

See my point? In the book of Mark, Jesus said, "IF?" "There are no ifs among believers. Anything can happen?" (Mark 9:23). Let's live it out. Would you like to take the challenge with me? Let's slow down and notice the God moments. One day we may look back and say we WISH we had noticed the IFS.

Dear God,
I praise you for all you are! I thank you for the dreams you ahve put in my heart...the LOL dreams. The dreams that seem inconceivable. The dreams that are impossible without YOU! I pray that we, as your children, would recognize the WHAT IFS in our lives. I pray that we would notice the paths YOU send us down, and give us courage to step out on those paths. I love you for who you are and for changing my life.

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