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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Middle

The middle of anything is always the hardest. Think about your life for a moment...

Are you a mom or dad?
Are you a wife or husband?
Are you a Christian?
Are you employed?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can relate to this message. Think back to the beginning of each of these endeavors. 

"finding out you're pregnant"
"the honeymoon phase"
"on fire, first found Jesus"
"first few weeks on the job"

Isn't it true....the beginning is exciting, it's new, it's fresh, it's out of your ordinary routine. The end is exciting too. All your hard work pays off. It's the middle where we get frustrated, learn the most, work the hardest, make or break. It's in the middle that satan will whisper to you "you should just give up", "you can't make it", "why do you even try". You have to lean on God who will whisper "you can", "I believe in you", "let me guide you". The middle is where we get lazy, we get comfortable, we get passive and let life change us. Take control of the middle, don't lose sight of the goal. Don't get lazy, keep your spark. We can't be excited about things Monday, Friday, and Saturday....it's the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday that we make the biggest difference.

Dear God,
Help me stay focus and passionate in the middle. The middle is where YOU are refining me. The middle is the main course. I need your help to not get lazy during this time. My flesh needs constant entertainment, newness, and excitement. Holy Spirit show me how to live in the calm times, in the boring times, in the middle. I love you, and I want to live for YOU even when it's not easy. I can't do it without YOU!

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